: The discovery of the ”right” ontology or ontology part is a central ingredient for effective ontology re-use. We present an approach for supporting a form of adaptive re-use...
The objective of the Semiotic-based Ontology Evaluation Tool (S-OntoEval) is to evaluate and propose improvements to a given ontological model. The evaluation aims at assessing th...
Renata Dividino, Massimo Romanelli, Daniel Sonntag
In this paper we present a method to represent knowledge associated with a course. Course knowledge can be represented in the form of hierarchical prerequisite relation based weigh...
With the appearance of Semantic Web technologies, it becomes possible to develop novel, sophisticated question answering systems, where ontologies are usually used as the core kno...
Shiyan Ou, Viktor Pekar, Constantin Orasan, Christ...
Semantic annotation of text requires the dynamic merging of linguistically structured information and a "world model", usually represented as a domain-specific ontology....
- NLM's Unified Medical Language System (UMLS) is a very large ontology of biomedical and health data. In order to be used effectively for knowledge processing, it needs to be...
Saurav Sahay, Baoli Li, Ernest V. Garcia, Eugene A...
Identifying topics and concepts associated with a set of documents is a task common to many applications. It can help in the annotation and categorization of documents and be used...
In this paper we present a semi-automatic ontology editor as implemented in a new version of OntoGen system. The system integrates machine learning and text mining algorithms into ...
In ontology the underlying nature of things is sought. Thus it is that the roles things play can sometimes be neglected. Some different sorts of things that get called roles: place...
I develop a few suggestions how formal ontology can meet industry and practice. This is not just a matter of useful ontology-based applications. That is a necessary but also rather...