Current real-world software applications typically involve heavy use of relational and XML data and their query languages. Unfortunately object-oriented languages and database que...
Schematic tables are a new representation for conditionals. Roughly a cross between decision tables and data flow graphs, they represent computation and decision-making orthogona...
Developing a general component system for a statically typed, object-oriented language is a challenging design problem for two reasons. First, mutually recursive references across...
Omniscient debuggers make it possible to navigate backwards in time within a program execution trace, drastically improving the task of debugging complex applications. Still, they...
A comfort zone is a tested region of a system’s input space within which it has been observed to behave acceptably. To keep systems operating within their comfort zones, we advo...
Objects often define usage protocols that clients must follow in order for these objects to work properly. Aliasing makes it notoriously difficult to check whether clients and i...