An object diagram makes explicit the object structures that are only implicit in a class diagram. An object diagram may be missing and must extracted from the code. Alternatively,...
Modern object-oriented languages have complex features that cause programmers to overspecify their programs. This overspecification hinders automatic optimizers, since they must ...
Today’s shared-memory parallel programming models are complex and error-prone. While many parallel programs are intended to be deterministic, unanticipated thread interleavings ...
Robert L. Bocchino Jr., Vikram S. Adve, Danny Dig,...
Software has spent the bounty of Moore’s law by solving harder problems and exploiting abstractions, such as highlevel languages, virtual machine technology, binary rewritdynami...
Jungwoo Ha, Matthew Arnold, Stephen M. Blackburn, ...
The Task Parallel Library (TPL) is a library for .NET that makes it easy to take advantage of potential parallelism in a program. The library relies heavily on generics and delega...
Daan Leijen, Wolfram Schulte, Sebastian Burckhardt
We present Chorus, a high-level parallel programming model suitable for irregular, heap-manipulating applications like mesh refinement and epidemic simulations, and JChorus, an i...
Roberto Lublinerman, Swarat Chaudhuri, Pavol Cern&...
Generic classes can be used to improve performance by allowing compile-time polymorphism. But the applicability of compile-time polymorphism is narrower than that of runtime polym...
Dan Tsafrir, Robert W. Wisniewski, David F. Bacon,...
The shift from single to multiple core architectures means that programmers must write concurrent, multithreaded programs in order to increase application performance. Unfortunate...
Emery D. Berger, Ting Yang, Tongping Liu, Gene Nov...