
140views Optimization» more  ICGA 1993»
14 years 4 months ago
Expected Allele Coverage and the Role of Mutation in Genetic Algorithms
It is part of the traditional lore of genetic algorithms that low mutation rates lead to efficient search of the solution space, while high mutation rates result in diffusion of s...
David M. Tate, Alice E. Smith
14 years 4 months ago
Genetic Programming: Analysis of Optimal Mutation Rates in a Problem with Varying Difficulty
In this paper we test whether a correlation exists between the optimal mutation rate and problem difficulty. We find that the range of optimal mutation rates is inversely proporti...
Alan Piszcz, Terence Soule
210views Hardware» more  AHS 2007»
14 years 9 months ago
Evaluation of a New Platform For Image Filter Evolution
This paper describes a new FPGA implementation of a system for evolutionary image filter design. Three parallel search algorithms are compared. An optimal mutation rate and the q...
Zdenek Vasícek, Lukás Sekanina