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Hyder supports reads and writes on indexed records within classical multi-step transactions. It is designed to run on a cluster of servers that have shared access to a large pool ...
Model checking software transactional memories (STMs) is difficult because of the unbounded number, length, and delay of concurrent transactions and the unbounded size of the memo...
Ficus is a flexible replication facility with optimistic concurrency control designed to span a wide range of scales and network environments. Optimistic concurrency control provi...
Peter L. Reiher, John S. Heidemann, David Ratner, ...
Abstract. In this paper we presentperformancemeasurementsin a cluster environment. First, we briefly explain our version of optimistic concurrency control and load balance.Then we ...
Due to its potential for a high degree of parallelism, optimistic concurrency control is expected to perform better than two-phase locking when integrated with priority-driven CPU...
Jiandong Huang, John A. Stankovic, Krithi Ramamrit...
This paper describes an efficient optimistic concurrency control scheme for use in distributed database systems in which objects are cached and manipulated at client machines whil...
Atul Adya, Robert Gruber, Barbara Liskov, Umesh Ma...
In a recent study, we have shown that in real-time database systems that discard late transactions, optimistic concurrency control outperforms locking. Although the optimistic alg...
Various concurrency control algorithms di er in the time when con icts are detected, and in the way they are resolved. In that respect, the Pessimistic and Optimistic Concurrency ...
Studies in [7,8, 91 concluded that for a variety of reasons, optimistic concurrency control appears well-suited to real-time database systems. Especially, they showed that in a re...
Thispaperdescribesanewschemeforguaranteeingthattransactions in a client/server system observe consistent state while they are running. The scheme is presented in conjunction with ...