—In this paper∗ , we devise a novel method for bottleneck analysis of UDP networks based on the concept of network utility maximization. To determine the losses on the links in...
Due to their excellent performance in solving combinatorial optimization problems, metaheuristics algorithms such as Genetic Algorithms (GA), Simulated Annealing (SA) and Tabu Sea...
Mostafa A. El-Hosseini, Aboul Ella Hassanien, Ajit...
In several imaging inverse problems, it may be of interest to encourage the solution to have characteristics which are most naturally expressed by the combination of more than one...
We formulate a frequency-division multiple access (FDMA) networking problem for wireless mobile ad-hoc networks (MANETS) to jointly optimize end-to-end user rates, routes, link ca...
In this work, we consider the ISS (improved spread spectrum) watermarking [1] framework, and propose a generalized version of it, termed “Generalized Improved Spread Spectrum”...
— In this paper, we present a distributed algorithm for detecting redundancies in a sensor network with no location information. We demonstrate how, in the absence of localizatio...
Abstract. The trend towards cloud and utility computing infrastructures raises challenges not only for application development, but also for management: diverse resources, changing...
Abstract. We propose a new boosting algorithm based on a linear programming formulation. Our algorithm can take advantage of the sparsity of the solution of the underlying optimiza...
Parallel dataflow programming frameworks such as Map-Reduce are increasingly being used for large scale data analysis on computing clouds. It is therefore becoming important to a...
—The emerging wireless relay networks (WRNs) are expected to provide significant improvement on throughput and extension of coverage area for next-generation wireless systems. W...