In current multiprogrammed multiprocessor systems, to take into account the performance of parallel applications is critical to decide an efficient processor allocation. In this pa...
In this paper, we present surplus fair scheduling (SFS), a proportional-share CPU scheduler designed for symmetric multiprocessors. We first show that the infeasibility of certain...
This paper describes an asynchronous state-machine replication system that tolerates Byzantine faults, which can be caused by malicious attacks or software errors. Our system is t...
Out-of-core applications consume physical resources at a rapid rate, causing interactive applications sharing the same machine to exhibit poor response times. This behavior is the...
Storage Latency Estimation Descriptors, or SLEDs, are an API that allow applications to understand and take advantage of the dynamic state of a storage system. By accessing data i...
Some emerging applications require programs to maintain sensitive state on untrusted hosts. This paper presents the architecture and implementation of a trusted database system, T...
Umesh Maheshwari, Radek Vingralek, William Shapiro
Freeblock scheduling is a new approach to utilizing more of disks' potential media bandwidths. By filling rotational latency periods with useful media transfers, 20{50% of a ...
Christopher R. Lumb, Jiri Schindler, Gregory R. Ga...
Single-language runtime systems, in the form of Java virtual machines, are widely deployed platforms for executing untrusted mobile code. These runtimes provide some of the featur...