
88views more  FCSC 2008»
14 years 1 months ago
Fraction-free matrix factors: new forms for LU and QR factors
Gaussian elimination and LU factoring have been greatly studied from the algorithmic point of view, but much less from the point view of the best output format. In this paper, we g...
Wenqin Zhou, David J. Jeffrey
14 years 3 months ago
XML to XML through XML
: When transforming an XML document for a given purpose, specifying the desired output format allows greater control over the transformation result than is possible using XSLT, esp...
Pim Lemmens, Geert-Jan Houben
152views Education» more  LREC 2010»
14 years 3 months ago
ANC2Go: A Web Application for Customized Corpus Creation
We describe a web application called "ANC2Go" that enables the user to select data from the Open American National Corpus (OANC) and the Manually Annotated Sub-corpus (M...
Nancy Ide, Keith Suderman, Brian Simms