
150views more  PAAPP 2002»
14 years 3 months ago
Scalability analysis of parallel GMRES implementations
Applications involving large sparse nonsymmetric linear systems encourage parallel implementations of robust iterative solution methods, such as GMRES(k). Two parallel versions of...
Masha Sosonkina, Donald C. S. Allison, Layne T. Wa...
76views more  PAAPP 2002»
14 years 3 months ago
Performance of PDE solvers on a self-optimizing NUMA architecture
Abstract. The performance of shared-memory (OpenMP) implementations of three different PDE solver kernels representing finite difference methods, finite volume methods, and spectra...
Sverker Holmgren, Markus Nordén, Jarmo Rant...
101views more  PAAPP 2002»
14 years 3 months ago
Static performance prediction of skeletal parallel programs
We demonstrate that the run time of implicitly parallel programs can be statically predicted with considerable accuracy when expressed within the constraints of a skeletal, shapel...
Yasushi Hayashi, Murray Cole