—The restoration of a blurry or noisy image is commonly performed with a MAP estimator, which maximizes a posterior probability to reconstruct a clean image from a degraded image...
Taeg Sang Cho, Charles Lawrence Zitnick, Neel Josh...
—In this paper, we propose a novel framework to estimate the parameters of a diffeomorphism that aligns a known shape and its distorted observation. Classical registration method...
— Over the last century, Component Analysis (CA) methods such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA), Canonical Correlation Analysis (CCA), Lap...
—Understanding the effect of blur is an important problem in unconstrained visual analysis. We address this problem in the context of image-based recognition, by a fusion of imag...
Raghuraman Gopalan, Sima Taheri, Pavan K. Turaga, ...
—Attention is an integral part of the human visual system and has been widely studied in the visual attention literature. The human eyes fixate at important locations in the scen...
Ajay K. Mishra, Yiannis Aloimonos, Loong Fah Cheon...
—We present an algorithm that simultaneously calibrates two color cameras, a depth camera, and the relative pose between them. The method is designed to have three key features: ...
Daniel Herrera C., Juho Kannala, Janne Heikkil&aum...
—We study the problem of approximating a 3D solid with a union of overlapping spheres. In comparison with a stateof-the-art approach, our method offers more than an order of magn...
—Many face recognition algorithms use “distance-based” methods: Feature vectors are extracted from each face and distances in feature space are compared to determine matches....
Simon Prince, Peng Li, Yun Fu, Umar Mohammed, Jame...
Abstract—We consider two desired properties of learning algorithms: sparsity and algorithmic stability. Both properties are believed to lead to good generalization ability. We sh...