Abstract { This paper presents a parallel algorithm for solving the region growing problem based on the split and merge approach. The algorithm was implemented on the CM-2 and the ...
Nawal Copty, Sanjay Ranka, Geoffrey Fox, Ravi V. S...
In this paper we present a parallel algorithm that decides whether a graph G has treewidth at most two, and if so, construct a tree decomposition or path decomposition of minimum ...
In this paper we study a parallel algorithm for computing the singular value decomposition (SVD) of a product of two matrices on message passing multiprocessors. This algorithm is ...
A structured approach to parallel programming allows to construct applications by composing skeletons, i.e., recurring patterns of task- and data-parallelism. First academic and co...
In this paper we propose a new parallel clustering algorithm based on the incremental construction of the compact sets of a collection of objects. This parallel algorithm is portab...
This paper presents a novel, parallel algorithm for generating top alignments. Top alignments are used for finding internal repeats in biological sequences like proteins and gene...
Given two strings and of lengths Ñ and Ò, respectively, the all-substrings longest common subsequence (ALCS) problem obtains the lengths of the subsequences common to and any su...
This paper summarizes the design and implementation of a parallel algorithm for state assignment of large Finite State Machines (FSMs). High performance CAD tools are necessary to...
Abstract: We report on our experiences with the implementation of a parallel algorithm to compute the cycle structure of a permutation given as an oracle. As a sub-problem, the cyc...
This paper describes a parallel algorithm for correlating or “fusing” streams of data from sensors and other sources of information. The algorithm is useful for applications w...