PAWS (Parallel Application WorkSpace) is a software infrastructure for use in connecting separate parallel applications within a component-like model. A central PAWS Controller co...
Peter H. Beckman, Patricia K. Fasel, William F. Hu...
Tuning parallel applications requires the use of effective tools for detecting performance bottlenecks. Along a parallel program execution, many individual situations of performan...
This paper describes an apparatus which can be used to vary communication performance parameters for MPI applications, and provides a tool to analyze the impact of communication p...
Clusters of workstations have emerged as a costeffective solution to high performance computing problem. To take advantage of any opportunities, however, effective scheduling tech...
The current technologies have made it possible to execute parallel applications across heterogeneous platforms. However, the performance models available do not provide adequate m...
Jameela Al-Jaroodi, Nader Mohamed, Hong Jiang, Dav...
Application run-time information is a fundamental component in application and job scheduling. However, accurate predictions of run times are difficult to achieve for parallel app...
Abstract. With the help of the FPGA technology, the boarder between hardand software has vanished. It is now possible to develop complex designs and fine grained parallel applicat...
One of the goals of the EU CrossGrid project is to provide a basis for supporting the efficient execution of parallel and interactive applications on Grid environments. CrossGrid j...
We present compiler techniques for translating OpenMP shared-memory parallel applications into MPI messagepassing programs for execution on distributed memory systems. This transl...
The performance of parallel applications running on large clusters is known to degrade due to the interference of kernel and daemon activities on individual nodes, often referred t...