We are concerned with dependencyoriented morphosyntactic parsing of running text. While a parsing grammar should avoid introducing structurallyunresolvable distinctionsin order to...
Charts constitute a natural uniform architecture for parsing and generation provided string position is replaced by a notion more appropriate to logical forms and that measures ar...
We define state transition grammars (STG) as an intermediate tbrmalism between grammars and parsing algorithms which is intended to separate the description of a parsing strategy ...
The results of an experiment are presented in which an approach for robust parsing has been applied incrementally. They confirm that due to the robust nature of the underlying tec...
Kilian A. Foth, Wolfgang Menzel, Horia F. Pop, Ing...
We present an efficientmulti-levelchart parser that was designed forsyntacticanalysisofclosedcaptions (subtitles) in a real-time Machine Translation (MT) system. In order to achie...
Large-scale parsing is still a complex and timeconsuming process, often so much that it is infeasible in real-world applications. The parsing system described here addresses this ...
This paper discusses the process of parsing adult utterances directed to a child, in an effort to produce a syntactically annotated corpus of the verbal input to a human language ...
We present a new grammar formalism for parsing with freer word-order languages, motivated by recent linguistic research in German and the Slavic languages. Unlike CFGs, these gram...
In this paper we extend the maximum spanning tree (MST) dependency parsing framework of McDonald et al. (2005c) to incorporate higher-order feature representations and allow depen...