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Abstract. Partial order reduction limits the state explosion problem that arises in model checking by limiting the exploration of redundant interleavings. A state space search algo...
Abstract. Runtime (dynamic) model checking is a promising verification methodology for real-world threaded software because of its many features, the prominent ones being: (i) it ...
Combining verification methods developed separately for software and hardware is motivated by the industry's need for a technology that would make formal verification of reali...
Robert P. Kurshan, Vladimir Levin, Marius Minea, D...
Software model checkers are typically language-specific, require substantial development efforts, and are hard to reuse for other languages. Adding partial order reduction (POR)...
In this article we analyze the combination of ACOhg, a new metaheuristic algorithm, plus partial order reduction applied to the problem of finding safety property violations in co...
In the past, partial order reduction has been used successfully to combat the state explosion problem in the context of model checking for non-probabilistic systems. For both line...
We propose a partial order reduction for model checking security protocols for the secrecy property. Based on this reduction we develop an automatic tool that can check security pr...
We present an algorithm for partial order reduction in the context of a countable universe of deterministic actions, of which finitely many are enabled at any given state. This mea...
In recent papers, the partial order reduction approach has been adapted to reason about the probabilities for temporal properties in concurrent systems with probabilistic behaviour...
Abstract. We describe a partial order reduction technique for a realtime component model. Components are described as timed automata with data ports, which can be composed in stati...