Treewidth and pathwidth are important graph parameters that represent how close the graph is to trees and paths respectively. We calculate treewidth and pathwidth on parameterized ...
D. Sai Krishna, T. V. Thirumala Reddy, B. Sai Shas...
We are interested in the relation between the pathwidth of a biconnected outerplanar graph and the pathwidth of its (geometric) dual. Bodlaender and Fomin [3], after having proved...
: Let G be a 3-connected planar graph and G∗ be its dual. We show that the pathwidth of G∗ is at most 6 times the pathwidth of G. We prove this result by relating the pathwidth...
We relate the notion of matroid pathwidth to the minimum trellis state-complexity (which we term trellis-width) of a linear code, and to the pathwidth of a graph. By reducing from ...