—Efficient discovery of nearby devices and services is one of the preconditions to obtain a usable pervasive environment. Typical user interfaces in these environments hide the ...
—WiFi localization and tracking of indoor moving objects is an important problem in many contexts of ubiquitous buildings, first responder environments, and others. Previous app...
—Position of mobile users has become highly important information in pervasive computing environments. Indoor localization systems based on Wi-Fi signal strength fingerprinting t...
Aleksandar Matic, Andrei Papliatseyeu, Venet Osman...
—Recent years have witnessed the wide adoption of the RFID technology in many important application domains including logistics, inventory, retailing, public transportation, and ...
—While there is more to context than location, localization and positioning must continue to be improved. Location-aware applications, such as Google Latitude, are enjoying great...