
353views Healthcare» more  IHI 2012»
12 years 10 months ago
Enhancing accountability of electronic health record usage via patient-centric monitoring
Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Personal Health Record (PHR) systems could allow patients to better manage their health information and share it to enhance the quality and effi...
Daisuke Mashima, Mustaque Ahamad
13 years 2 months ago
Authorized Private Keyword Search over Encrypted Data in Cloud Computing
—In cloud computing, clients usually outsource their data to the cloud storage servers to reduce the management costs. While those data may contain sensitive personal information...
Ming Li, Shucheng Yu, Ning Cao, Wenjing Lou
101views more  JAMIA 2011»
13 years 5 months ago
The military health system's personal health record pilot with Microsoft HealthVault and Google Health
Objective To design, build, implement, and evaluate a personal health record (PHR), tethered to the Military Health System, that leverages MicrosoftÒ HealthVault and GoogleÒ Hea...
Nhan V. Do, Rick Barnhill, Kimberly A. Heermann-Do...
149views Healthcare» more  IHI 2010»
13 years 9 months ago
Intelligent personal health record: experience and open issues
Web-based personal health records (PHRs) are under massive deployment. To improve PHR's capability and usability, we previously proposed the concept of intelligent PHR (iPHR)...
Gang Luo, Chunqiang Tang, Selena B. Thomas