Skinned Mesh Animation (SMA) well approximates a mesh animation with extracted bones and their transformations. However, unlike skeleton, bones in SMA are not organized in hierarc...
Video matting is the process of taking a sequence of frames, isolating the foreground, and replacing the background with something different in each frame. This is an under-constr...
Oliver Wang, Jonathan Finger, Qingxiong Yang, Jame...
Animations of two avatars tangled with each other often appear in battle or fighting scenes in movies or games. However, creating such scenes is difficult due to the limitations...
We present an appearance-based user interface for artists to efficiently design customized image-based lighting environments. 1 Our approach avoids typical iterations of paramete...
Makoto Okabe, Yasuyuki Matsushita, Li Shen, Takeo ...
Minkowski sum is a fundamental operation in many geometric applications, including robotics, penetration depth estimation, solid modeling, and virtual prototyping. However, due to...
The craft of papercutting is part of the folk art traditions of cultures all over the world. From the point of view of computer graphics, papercutting can be seen as a method of c...
Interactive animation systems often use a level-of-detail (LOD) control to reduce the computational cost by eliminating unperceivable details of the scene. Most methods employ a m...
This paper presents a novel PRT-based method that uses precomputed visibility cuts for interactive relighting with all-frequency environment maps and arbitrary dynamic BRDFs. Our ...
We formulate contour correspondence as a Quadratic Assignment Problem (QAP), incorporating proximity information. By maintaining the neighborhood relation between points this way,...
Oliver van Kaick, Ghassan Hamarneh, Hao Zhang 0002...
A fundamental challenge for existing shadow map based algorithms is dealing with partially illuminated surfaces. A conventional shadow map built with a pinhole camera only determi...