RSA-KEM is a popular key encapsulation mechanism that combines the RSA trapdoor permutation with a key derivation function (KDF). Often the details of the KDF are viewed as orthogo...
To sign with RSA, one usually encodes the message m as µ(m) and then raises the result to the private exponent modulo N. In Asiacrypt 2000, Coron et al. showed how to build a secu...
We answer the open question of the possibility of building a digital signature scheme with proven security based on the one-wayness of a trapdoor permutation and with signatures as...
Abstract. We define and discuss symmetric subgroup membership problems and their properties, including a relation to the Decision DiffieHellman problem. We modify the Cramer-Shoup...
The Miller-Rabin pseudo primality test is widely used in cryptographic libraries, because of its apparent simplicity. But the test is not always correctly implemented. For example ...
Hidden field equation (HFE) multivariable cryptosystems were first suggested by Patarin. Kipnis and Shamir showed that to make the cryptosystem secure, a special parameter D of a...