At TCC 2005, Groth underlined the usefulness of working in small RSA subgroups of hidden order. In assessing the security of the relevant hard problems, however, the best attack co...
ded abstract of this work appears in Public Key Cryptography — PKC 2011, ed. R. Gennaro, Springer LNCS 6571 (2011), 1–16. This is the full version. We propose a linearly homom...
We investigate the security of a generalization of HFE (multivariate and odd-characteristic variants). First, we propose an improved version of the basic Kipnis-Shamir key recovery...
Bos, Kaihara, Kleinjung, Lenstra, and Montgomery recently showed that ECDLPs on the 112-bit secp112r1 curve can be solved in an expected time of 65 years on a PlayStation 3. This p...
xtended abstract which appears in the 2011 International Conference on Theory and Practice in Public Key Cryptography PKC 2011 (6–9 march 2011, Taormina, Italy) D. Catalano, N. F...
Olivier Blazy, Georg Fuchsbauer, David Pointcheval...