Abstract. Semi-supervised clustering models, that incorporate user provided constraints to yield meaningful clusters, have recently become a popular area of research. In this paper...
In this paper we propose a Bayesian model for multi-task feature selection. This model is based on a generalized spike and slab sparse prior distribution that enforces the selectio...
Mining Meets Abstract Interpretation J. Carmona and J. Cortadella Universitat Polit`ecnica de Catalunya, Spain The discovery of process models out of system traces is a problem tha...
In this paper, we consider the link prediction problem, where we are given a partial snapshot of a network at some time and the goal is to predict the additional links formed at a ...
Janardhan Rao Doppa, Jun Yu, Prasad Tadepalli, Lis...
Hierarchical clustering methods are widely used in various scientific domains such as molecular biology, medicine, economy, etc. Despite the maturity of the research field of hie...
There are many situations in which we have more than one view of a single data source, or in which we have multiple sources of data that are aligned. We would like to be able to bu...
Abstract. Principal component analysis (PCA) and its dual—principal coordinate analysis (PCO)—are widely applied to unsupervised dimensionality reduction. In this paper, we sho...
Abstract. Bayesian reinforcement learning (RL) is aimed at making more efficient use of data samples, but typically uses significantly more computation. For discrete Markov Decis...
Pattern mining methods for graph data have largely been restricted to ground features, such as frequent or correlated subgraphs. Kazius et al. have demonstrated the use of elaborat...
Andreas Maunz, Christoph Helma, Tobias Cramer, Ste...