Consider a planar straight line graph (PSLG), G, with k connected components, k 2. We show that if no component is a singleton, we can always find a vertex in one component that s...
Ferran Hurtado, Mikio Kano, David Rappaport, Csaba...
We introduce the concept of a constrained pointed pseudo-triangulation TG of a point set S with respect to a pointed planar straight line graph G = (S, E). For the case that G for...
Oswin Aichholzer, Michael Hoffmann, Bettina Speckm...
We propose a method for computing acute (non-obtuse) triangulations. That is, for a given two dimensional domain (a set of points or a planar straight line graph), we compute a tr...
It is shown that if a planar straight line graph (PSLG) with n vertices in general position in the plane can be augmented to a 3-edge-connected PSLG, then 2n−2 new edges are enou...