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Combinatorial maps are nice data structures for modeling the topology of nD objects subdivided in cells (e.g., vertices, edges, faces, volumes, ...) by means of incidence and adjac...
Abstract. Squaregraphs were originally defined as finite plane graphs in which all inner faces are quadrilaterals (i.e., 4-cycles) and all inner vertices (i.e., the vertices not in...
We generalize the notions of flippable and simultaneously-flippable edges in a triangulation of a set S of points in the plane, into so called pseudo simultaneously-flippable edge...
Michael Hoffmann, Micha Sharir, Adam Sheffer, Csab...
Abstract. In order to use structural techniques from graph-based pattern recognition, a first necessary step consists in extracting a graph in an automatic way from an image. We pr...
Abstract. We prove that for every graph H, there exists a polynomial-time algorithm deciding if a planar graph can be contracted to H. We introduce contractions and topological min...
A plane graph is a drawing of a planar graph in the plane such that no two edges cross each other. A rooted plane graph has a designated outer vertex. For given positive integers ...
A cyclic colouring of a plane graph is a vertex colouring such that vertices incident with the same face have distinct colours. The minimum number of colours in a cyclic colouring...
Oleg V. Borodin, Hajo Broersma, Alexei N. Glebov, ...
In this paper, a structural theorem about toroidal graphs is given that strengthens a result of Borodin on plane graphs. As a consequence, it is proved that every toroidal graph w...
Let S be a set of points in the plane. What is the minimum possible dilation of all plane graphs that contain S? Even for a set S as simple as five points evenly placed on the ci...