Fixing software bugs has always been an important and timeconsuming process in software development. Fixing concurrency bugs has become especially critical in the multicore era. H...
We present a strictly bottom-up, summary-based, and precise heap analysis targeted for program verification that performs strong updates to heap locations at call sites. We firs...
Isil Dillig, Thomas Dillig, Alex Aiken, Mooly Sagi...
The performance benefits of GPU parallelism can be enormous, but unlocking this performance potential is challenging. The applicability and performance of GPU parallelizations is...
Thomas B. Jablin, Prakash Prabhu, James A. Jablin,...
Energy is increasingly a first-order concern in computer systems. Exploiting energy-accuracy trade-offs is an attractive choice in applications that can tolerate inaccuracies. Re...
Adrian Sampson, Werner Dietl, Emily Fortuna, Danus...
When dealing with dynamic, untrusted content, such as on the Web, software behavior must be sandboxed, typically through use of a language like JavaScript. However, even for such ...