Computing frequent itemsets is one of the most prominent problems in data mining. We introduce a new, related problem, called FREQSAT: given some itemset-interval pairs, does ther...
We consider the problem of maintaining approximate counts and quantiles over fixed- and variablesize sliding windows in limited space. For quantiles, we present deterministic algo...
The important challenge of evaluating XPath queries over XML streams has sparked much interest in the past few years. A number of algorithms have been proposed, supporting wider f...
Unions of conjunctive queries, also known as select-project-join-union queries, are the most frequently asked queries in relational database systems. These queries are definable b...
Data exchange is the problem of taking data structured under a source schema and creating an instance of a target schema. Given a source instance, there may be many solutions ? ta...
The problem of deciding query containment has important applications in classical query optimization and heterogeneous database systems. Query containment is undecidable for unres...
d abstract) Michael Benedikt Bell Labs Jan Van den Bussche Limburgs Universitair Centrum Christof L?oding Lehrstuhl Informatik VII RWTH Aachen Thomas Wilke Institut f?ur Informatik...