Information gathered by the existing pointer analysis techniques can be classified as must aliases or definitely-points-to relationships, which hold for all executions, and may a...
The use of pointers presents serious problems for software productivity tools for software understanding, restructuring, and testing. Pointers enable indirect memory accesses thro...
Many applications written in C allocate memory blocks for their major data structures from the heap space at runtime. The analysis of heap-oriented pointers in such programs is cr...
Many compiler optimizations and software engineering tools need precise pointer analyses to be effective. Unfortunately, many Java features, such as dynamic class loading, refle...
Pointer analysis is a critical problem in optimizing compiler, parallelizing compiler, software engineering and most recently, hardware synthesis. While recent efforts have sugges...
Pointer analysis is traditionally performed once, early in the compilation process, upon an intermediate representation (IR) with source-code semantics. However, performing pointe...
Bolei Guo, Matthew J. Bridges, Spyridon Triantafyl...
Abstract. Pointer information is a prerequisite for most program analyses, and inclusion-based, i.e. Andersen-style, pointer analysis is widely used to compute such information. Ho...
We present a practical and scalable method for flow- and contextsensitive (FSCS) pointer analysis for C programs. Our method analyzes the pointers in a program level by level in ...
Pointer analysis, a classic problem in software program analysis, has emerged as an important problem to solve in design automation, at a time when complex designs, specified in t...