We show that the stick-breaking construction of the beta process due to Paisley et al. (2010) can be obtained from the characterization of the beta process as a Poisson process. S...
John William Paisley, David M. Blei, Michael I. Jo...
Given a Poisson process on a d-dimensional torus, its random geometric simplicial complex is the complex whose vertices are the points of the Poisson process and simplices are give...
Abstract--We study in this paper a TCP-like linear-increase multiplicative-decrease flow control mechanism. We consider congestion signals that arrive in batches according to a Poi...
Eitan Altman, Konstantin Avrachenkov, Chadi Baraka...
Active probes of network performance represent samples of the underlying performance of a system. Some effort has gone into considering appropriate sampling patterns for such probe...
This paper describes a low-complexity approach for reconstructing average packet arrival rates and instantaneous packet counts at a router in a communication network, where the arr...
Maxim Raginsky, Sina Jafarpour, Rebecca Willett, A...
: This paper presents a queuing analysis model of a PC-based software router supporting IPv6-IPv4 translation for residential gateway. The proposed models are M/G/1/K or MMPP-2/G/1...
The Erlang formula is known to be insensitive to the holding time distribution beyond the mean. While calls are generally assumed to arrive as a Poisson process, we prove that it ...
—We consider connection-level models of resource allocation in the Internet, where files arrive into the network according to a Poisson process and the size of each file is exp...
We track a large set of "rapidly" changing web pages and examine the assumption that the arrival of content changes follows a Poisson process on a microscale. We demonst...