The Galois/Counter Mode (GCM) of operation has been standardized by NIST to provide single-pass authenticated encryption. The GHASH authentication component of GCM belongs to a cla...
Abstract. Previous works [11, 6] introduced a model of semantic communication between a “user” and a “server,” in which the user attempts to achieve a given goal for commun...
Abstract. We present three algorithms to calculate Φn(z), the nth cyclotomic polynomial. The first algorithm calculates Φn(z) by a series of polynomial divisions, which we perfo...
Abstract. Given an LLL-basis B of dimension n = hk we accelerate slide-reduction with blocksize k to run under a reasonable assumption within 1 6 n2 h log1+ε α local SVP-computat...
We study the following problem raised by von zur Gathen and Roche [GR97]: What is the minimal degree of a nonconstant polynomial f : {0, . . . , n} → {0, . . . , m}?
The maximization of a positive (semi)definite complex quadratic form over a finite alphabet is NP-hard and achieved through exhaustive search when the form has full rank. Howeve...
Abstract--We prove that maximum-likelihood (ML) noncoherent sequence detection of orthogonal space-time block coded signals can always be performed in polynomial time with respect ...
Abstract. Given an algebraic geometry code CL(D, P), the GuruswamiSudan algorithm produces a list of all codewords in CL(D, P) within a specified distance of a received word. The i...
Following a polynomial approach, many robust fixed-order controller design problems can be formulated as optimization problems whose set of feasible solutions is modelled by para...
We present a probabilistic algorithm to interpolate a sparse multivariate polynomial over a finite field, represented with a black box. Our algorithm modifies the algorithm of Ben...