Most theoretical definitions about the complexity of manipulating elections focus on the decision problem of recognizing which instances can be successfully manipulated, rather t...
Edith Hemaspaandra, Lane A. Hemaspaandra, Curtis M...
This paper presents a query evaluation technique for positive relational algebra queries with aggregates on a representation system for probabilistic data based on the algebraic s...
In multiagent settings where agents have different preferences, preference aggregation can be an important issue. Voting is a general method to aggregate preferences. We consider ...
— Anypath routing, a new routing paradigm, has been proposed to improve the performance of wireless networks by exploiting the spatial diversity and broadcast nature of the wirel...
We put forward a framework for the modular design and analysis of multi-party protocols. Our framework is called “GNUC” (with the recursive meaning “GNUC’s Not UC”), alr...
We prove Kleene theorems for two subclasses of labelled product systems which are inspired from well-studied subclasses of 1bounded Petri nets. For product T-systems we define a c...
We introduce tractable classes of VCSP instances based on convex cost functions. Firstly, we show that the class of VCSP instances satisfying the hierarchically nested convexity pr...
A Distributed Constraint Optimization Problem (DCOP) is a fundamental problem that can formalize various applications related to multi-agent cooperation. Since it is NP-hard, consi...
Abstract. In 2004, Berdine, Calcagno and O’Hearn introduced a fragment of separation logic that allows for reasoning about programs with pointers and linked lists. They showed th...
Forming effective coalitions is a major research challenge in AI and multi-agent systems (MAS). Thus, coalitional games, including Coalition Structure Generation (CSG), have been ...