In [GL] it was shown that a polytope with few vertices is far from being symmetric in the Banach-Mazur distance. More precisely, it was shown that Banach-Mazur distance between su...
We define a centrally symmetric analogue of the cyclic polytope and study its facial structure. We conjecture that our polytopes provide asymptotically the largest number of faces...
We express the matroid polytope PM of a matroid M as a signed Minkowski sum of simplices, and obtain a formula for the volume of PM . This gives a combinatorial expression for the...
: We investigate polyhedral 2k-manifolds as subcomplexes of the boundary complex of a regular polytope. We call such a subcomplex k-Hamiltonian if it contains the full k-skeleton o...
Suppose we are given a finite set of points P in R3 and a collection of polytopes T that are all translates of the same polytope T. We consider two problems in this paper. The firs...
In this paper we study enumeration problems for polytopes arising from combinatorial optimization problems. While these polytopes turn out to be quickly intractable for enumeration...
During the course of the last decade, a mathematical model for the parallelization of FOR-loops has become increasingly popular. In this model, a (perfect) nest of r FOR-loops is r...