Containers are general-purpose data structures that provide functionality for inserting, reading, removing, and iterating over elements. Since many applications written in modern ...
We consider programs for embedded real-time systems which use priority-driven preemptive scheduling with task priorities adjusted dynamically according to the immediate ceiling pr...
Martin D. Schwarz, Helmut Seidl, Vesal Vojdani, Pe...
Shared-memory concurrency in C and C++ is pervasive in systems programming, but has long been poorly defined. This motivated an ongoing shared effort by the standards committees ...
Mark Batty, Scott Owens, Susmit Sarkar, Peter Sewe...
We define a new logic, STRAND, that allows reasoning with heapmanipulating programs using deductive verification and SMT solvers. STRAND logic (“STRucture ANd Data” logic) f...
A number of deterministic parallel programming models with strong safety guarantees are emerging, but similar support for nondeterministic algorithms, such as branch and bound sea...
Robert L. Bocchino Jr., Stephen Heumann, Nima Hona...
We describe a new algorithm for proving temporal properties expressed in LTL of infinite-state programs. Our approach takes advantage of the fact that LTL properties can often be...
The technique of trace-based just-in-time compilation was introduced by Bala et al. and was further developed by Gal et al. It currently enjoys success in Mozilla Firefox’s Java...