Dense, unmanaged 802.11 deployments tempt saboteurs into launching jamming attacks by injecting malicious interference. Nowadays, jammers can be portable devices that transmit int...
Konstantinos Pelechrinis, Ioannis Broustis, Srikan...
In this paper, we apply evolutionary games to non-cooperative power control in wireless networks. Specifically, we focus our study in a power control in W-CDMA and WIMAX wireless s...
Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Ha...
A wide range of transmit power control (TPC) algorithms have been proposed in recent literature to reduce interference and increase capacity in 802.11 wireless networks. However, ...
In this paper, the problem about power control in multiuser cognitive networks is addressed. The scenario we study is a heterogeneous network, where multiple cognitive (without the...
: A Kalman-filter method for power control is proposed for broadband, packet-switched TDMA wireless networks. By observing the temporal correlation of cochannel interference when t...
—We address the issue of power-controlled shared channel access in future wireless networks supporting packetized data traffic, beyond the voice-oriented continuous traffic prima...
— This paper investigates design of noncooperative games from a control theoretic perspective. Pricing mechanisms are used as a design tool to ensure that the Nash equilibrium of...
—In this paper, we introduce a cross-layer design framework to the multiple access problem in contention-based wireless ad hoc networks. The motivation for this study is twofold,...
We present an integrated dual approach to reduce power consumption in infrastructure-mode 802.11 wireless LANs. A novel distributed power control algorithm adaptively adjusts the ...
— This paper presents the ALCA (Asymmetric Link Collision Avoidance) protocol. ALCA was designed to deal with a known deficiency of the Basic Scheme [1] for power control in 802...