We propose a novel type-based model checking algorithm for higher-order recursion schemes. As shown by Kobayashi, verification problems of higher-order functional programs can ea...
The construction of reliable concurrent and distributed systems is an extremely difficult endeavour. For complex systems, it requires modular development strategies based on prec...
We propose a novel approach to encapsulate non-deterministic computations in functional logic programs. Our approach is based on set functions that return the set of all the resul...
We introduce a logic programming framework for data type transformations based on isomorphisms between elementary data types (natural numbers, finite functions, sets and permutat...
We give a denotational semantics to a type and effect system tracking reading and writing to global variables holding values that may include higher-order effectful functions. Re...
Nick Benton, Andrew Kennedy, Lennart Beringer, Mar...
This paper describes the encoding of a telecommunications feature subscription configuration problem to propositional logic and its solution using a state-of-the-art Boolean sati...
This paper describes the design goals and current status of tidier, a software tool that tidies Erlang source code, making it cleaner, simpler, and often also more efficient. In ...