
13 years 6 months ago
A novel multi-view learning developed from single-view patterns
The existing Multi-View Learning (MVL) learns how to process patterns with multiple information sources. In generalization this MVL is proven to have a significant advantage over...
Zhe Wang, Songcan Chen, Daqi Gao
13 years 6 months ago
Generalized darting Monte Carlo
One of the main shortcomings of Markov chain Monte Carlo samplers is their inability to mix between modes of the target distribution. In this paper we show that advance knowledge ...
Cristian Sminchisescu, Max Welling
13 years 6 months ago
Hierarchical annotation of medical images
In this paper, we describe an approach for the automatic medical annotation task of the 2008 CLEF cross-language image retrieval campaign (ImageCLEF). The data comprise 12076 full...
Ivica Dimitrovski, Dragi Kocev, Suzana Loskovska, ...
13 years 6 months ago
Content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback using random walks
In this paper we propose a novel approach to content-based image retrieval with relevance feedback, which is based on the random walker algorithm introduced in the context of inte...
Samuel Rota Bulò, Massimo Rabbi, Marcello P...
13 years 6 months ago
A survey of multilinear subspace learning for tensor data
Increasingly large amount of multidimensional data are being generated on a daily basis in many applications. This leads to a strong demand for learning algorithms to extract usef...
Haiping Lu, Konstantinos N. Plataniotis, Anastasio...
13 years 6 months ago
A novel mutual nearest neighbor based symmetry for text frame classification in video
In the field of multimedia retrieval in video, text frame classification is essential for text detection, event detection, event boundary detection etc. We propose a new text fram...
Palaiahnakote Shivakumara, Anjan Dutta, Trung Quy ...
13 years 6 months ago
Detecting and discriminating behavioural anomalies
This paper aims to address the problem of anomaly detection and discrimination in complex behaviours, where anomalies are subtle and difficult to detect owing to the complex tempo...
Chen Change Loy, Tao Xiang, Shaogang Gong
13 years 10 months ago
A sum-over-paths extension of edit distances accounting for all sequence alignments
This paper introduces a simple Sum-over-Paths (SoP) formulation of string edit distances accounting for all possible alignments between two sequences, and extends related previous...
Silvia García-Díez, François ...
13 years 10 months ago
Linearized proximal alternating minimization algorithm for motion deblurring by nonlocal regularization
Non-blind motion deblurring problems are highly ill-posed and so it is quite difficult to find the original sharp and clean image. To handle ill-posedness of the motion deblurrin...
Sangwoon Yun, Hyenkyun Woo