Adjustable Autonomy (AA) is the name given to a variety of approaches to the task of giving outside entities the ability to change the level of autonomy of agents in an autonomous ...
Current research identifying architectures for a virtual enterprise has moved from information modelling to role modelling. Thus, a high level of autonomy results from the distribu...
In this paper, we propose a method of text retrieval from document images using a similarity measure based on an N-Gram algorithm. We directly extract image features instead of us...
When we construct an agent by integrating modules, there appear troubles concerning the autonomy of the agent if we introduce a heuristics that dominates the whole agent. Thus, we ...
Abstract. This article discusses automatic identifications of functional structures of artifacts from given behavioral models of components and their connection information (called...
This paper presents the CQ algorithm which decomposes and solves a Markov Decision Process (MDP) by automatically generating a hierarchy of smaller MDPs using state variables. The ...
Abstract. This paper reports our comparative evaluation of three machine learning methods on Chinese text categorization. Whereas a wide range of methods have been applied to Engli...