Background: Medium- to large-scale expression profiling using quantitative polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) assays are becoming increasingly important in genomics research. A majo...
Samuel Arvidsson, Miroslaw Kwasniewski, Diego Maur...
Background: Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is used in directed sequencing for the discovery of novel polymorphisms. As the first step in PCR directed sequencing, effective PCR pr...
Kelvin Li, Anushka Brownley, Timothy B. Stockwell,...
Background: Multiplex PCR, defined as the simultaneous amplification of multiple regions of a DNA template or multiple DNA templates using more than one primer set (comprising a f...
Whena family of genes from closely related organisms is known,there is a certain chance to extract the corresponding gene from the genomeof another related organism. This can be d...
Robert Giegerich, Folker Meyer, Chris Schleiermach...