After a long history of compilation of our own lexical resources, EDR Japanese/English Electronic Dictionary, and discussions with major players on development of various WordNets...
Hitoshi Isahara, Francis Bond, Kiyotaka Uchimoto, ...
In this paper we present JMWNL, a multilingual extension of the JWNL java library, which was originally developed for accessing Princeton WordNet dictionaries. JMWNL broadens the ...
Maria Teresa Pazienza, Armando Stellato, Alexandra...
This paper introduces GernEdiT (short for: GermaNet Editing Tool), a new graphical user interface for the lexicographers and developers of GermaNet, the German version of the Prin...
In this paper we outline the design and present a sample of the REBECA bilingual lexical-conceptual database constructed by linking two monolingual lexical resources in which a se...