Many algorithms in image analysis require a priority queue, a data structure that holds pointers to pixels in the image, and which allows efficiently finding the pixel in the queu...
We construct a bijection between labeled trees and allowable pairs of permutations sorted by a priority queue. These are also the pairs of permutations that avoid the pattern pairs...
A simple variant of a priority queue, called a soft heap, is introduced. The data structure supports the usual operations: insert, delete, meld, and findmin. Its novelty is to beat...
The distance join is a spatial join that finds pairs of closest objects in the order of distance by associating two spatial data sets. The distance join stores node pairs in a pri...
In this paper we demonstrate how tree-like processes can be used to analyze a general class of priority queues with three service classes, creating a new methodology to study prio...
We present the transient analysis of the system content in a two-class discrete-time MX /D/1 priority queue. In particular, we derive an expression for the generating function of ...
We give a priority queue that guarantees the worstcase cost of Θ(1) per minimum finding, insertion, and decrease; and the worst-case cost of Θ(lg n) with at most lg n + O( √ ...
Several researchers have shown that the efficiency of value iteration, a dynamic programming algorithm for Markov decision processes, can be improved by prioritizing the order of...
This paper presents parallel algorithms for priority queue operations on a p-processor EREWPRAM. The algorithms are based on a new data structure, the Min-path Heap (MH), which is...
ÐWith effective packet-scheduling mechanisms, modern integrated networks can support the diverse quality-of-service requirements of emerging applications. However, arbitrating bet...