Because of privacy concerns, agents may not want to reveal information that could be of use in problem solving. As a result, there are potentially important tradeoffs between main...
Abstract-- Vehicular ad hoc networks (VANETs) represent a promising new communication technology that can facilitate many new forms of automotive applications. Many of the applicat...
Opportunistic sensing allows applications to "task" mobile devices to measure context in a target region. For example, one could leverage sensorequipped vehicles to measu...
Privacy in Electronic Commerce transactions is the subject of ever increasing research. However, many challenges remain to be overcome. For example, let us consider a customer, Si...
In this paper, we explore a privacy algorithm that detects human private parts in a 3D scan data set. The analogia graph is introduced to study the proportion of structures. The i...
Vehicular networks have attracted extensive attention in recent years for their promises in improving safety and enabling other value-added services. Most previous work focuses on ...
Often several cooperating parties would like to have a global view of their joint data for various data mining objectives, but cannot reveal the contents of individual records due...
We initiate the study of markets for private data, through the lens of differential privacy. Although the purchase and sale of private data has already begun on a large scale, a t...
We consider privacy preserving decision tree induction via ID3 in the case where the training data is horizontally or vertically distributed. Furthermore, we consider the same pro...
The Privacy Coach is an application running on a mobile phone that supports customers in making privacy decisions when confronted with RFID tags. The approach we take to increase c...
Gerben Broenink, Jaap-Henk Hoepman, Christian van ...