
90views more  CJ 2004»
14 years 2 months ago
Extended k-Nearest Neighbours based on Evidence Theory
An evidence theoretic classification method is proposed in this paper. In order to classify a pattern we consider its neighbours, which are taken as parts of a single source of ev...
Hui Wang, David A. Bell
85views more  SYNTHESE 2008»
14 years 2 months ago
Objective Bayesianism with predicate languages
Objective Bayesian probability is often defined over rather simple domains, e.g., finite event spaces or propositional languages. This paper investigates the extension of objectiv...
Jon Williamson
14 years 4 months ago
Jeffrey's rule of conditioning generalized to belief functions
: Jeffrey’s rule of conditioning has been proposed in order to revise a probability measure by another probability function. We generalize it within the framework of the models b...
Philippe Smets
14 years 4 months ago
A Neural Probabilistic Language Model
A goal of statistical language modeling is to learn the joint probability function of sequences of words in a language. This is intrinsically difficult because of the curse of dim...
Yoshua Bengio, Réjean Ducharme, Pascal Vinc...
14 years 4 months ago
The Method of Quantum Clustering
We propose a novel clustering method that is an extension of ideas inherent to scale-space clustering and support-vector clustering. Like the latter, it associates every data poin...
David Horn, Assaf Gottlieb
118views Algorithms» more  ISAAC 2007»
14 years 9 months ago
Dynamic Structures for Top- k Queries on Uncertain Data
In an uncertain data set S = (S, p, f) where S is the ground set consisting of n elements, p : S → [0, 1] a probability function, and f : S → R a score function, each element i...
Jiang Chen, Ke Yi
15 years 2 months ago
Globally Optimal Uneven Error-Protected Packetization of Scalable Code Streams
In this paper, we present a family of new algorithms for rate-fidelity optimal packetization of scalable source bit streams with uneven error protection. In the most general settin...
Sorina Dumitrescu, Xiaolin Wu, Zhe Wang