In the past decade, there has been a stream of work in designing approximation schemes for dense instances of NP-Hard problems. These include the work of Arora, Karger and Karpins...
In this paper, we develop and discuss several distance measures for permutation type representations of solutions of combinatorial optimisation problems. The problems discussed in...
Examination timetabling problems are often solved by a two-phase procedure combining a sequential construction heuristic with a metaheuristic improvement search. There can be many...
Crew scheduling problems at the planning level are typically solved in two steps: first, creating working patterns, and then assigning these to individual crew. The first step is ...
Newton’s method is a basic tool in numerical analysis and numerous applications, including operations research and data mining. We survey the history of the method, its main ide...
Model is a kind of codified knowledge that has been verified in solving problems. Solving a complex problem usually needs a set of models. Using components, the composition of a s...
Consider a single machine and a set of jobs that are available for processing at time 0. Job ¡ has a processing time ¢¤£ , a due date ¥¦£ and a weight §¨£ . We consid...
address (at least three) common problems, and the solution is then abstracted into a pattern. Antipatterns, on the other hand, identify common problems with solutions, and then sho...
The problem of finding the most probable (MAP) configuration in graphical models comes up in a wide range of applications. In a general graphical model this problem is NP hard, bu...
: One of the key problems in developing standard based adaptive courses is the complexity involved in the design phase, especially when establishing the hooks for the dynamic model...