One major advantage of executable models is that once constructed, they can be run, checked, validated and improved in short incremental and iterative cycles. In the field of Soft...
Researchers have defined a number of process modeling methods and have developed in-roads to process-centered environments that support process modeling and project control. Howev...
Stephanie White, Susan Fife Dorchak, John T. Keane...
Abstract. In this paper an approach for building process models for ecommerce is proposed. It is based on the assumption that the process modeling task can be methodologically supp...
Maria Bergholtz, Prasad Jayaweera, Paul Johannesso...
Business process modeling and design, which has attracted much attention in recent years, emphasizes mainly graphical representation, usually without an underlying theory. The lack...
Business process models play an important role for the management, design, and improvement of process organizations and process-aware information systems. Despite the extensive ap...
Jan Mendling, Gustaf Neumann, Wil M. P. van der Aa...
The emerging area of business process intelligence aims at enhancing the analysis power of business process management systems by employing data warehousing and mining technologies...
Several methods based upon textual programming languages or graphical notations have been proposed for manual modeling of business process models. But since manual process modeling...
Thomas Hornung, Agnes Koschmider, Andreas Oberweis