"This book describes different type theories (theories of types, polymorphic and monomorphic sets, and subsets) from a computing science perspective. It is intended for resear...
"Standard ML is a type-safe programming language that embodies many innovative ideas in programming language design. It is a statically typed language, with an extensible type...
"The book is the textbook for the programming languages course at Brown University, which is taken primarily by third and fourth year undergraduates and beginning graduate (bo...
"These notes were prepared for use in the graduate course Computer Science 15–
814: Type Systems for Programming Languages at Carnegie Mellon University.
Their purpose is ...
"These course notes are addressed to a wide audience of people interested in modern programming languages in general, ML-like languages in particular, or simply in OCaml, whet...
"This document is intended for knowledgeable users of C (or any other language using a C-like grammar, like Perl or Java) who would like to know more about, or make the transi...
"This book serves as an introduction to the C++ language. It teaches how to
program in C++ and how to properly use its features. It does not attempt to teach