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We give a high-level survey of the "testing by implicit learning" paradigm, and explain some of the property testing results for various Boolean function classes that ha...
We survey here property testing results for the so called 'massively parametrized' model (or problems). This paper is based on a survey talk gave at the workshop on prop...
How well can the maximum size of an independent set, or the minimum size of a dominating set of a graph in which all degrees are at most d be approximated by a randomized constant...
We initiate the study of sublinear-time algorithms in the external memory model [Vit01]. In this model, the data is stored in blocks of a certain size B, and the algorithm is char...
Alexandr Andoni, Piotr Indyk, Krzysztof Onak, Roni...
We study the local testability of linear codes. We first reformulate this question in the language of tolerant linearity testing under a non-uniform distribution. We then study th...
We survey known results regarding locally testable codes and locally testable proofs (known as PCPs), with emphasis on the length of these constructs. Local testability refers to a...
We survey results on transitive-closure spanners and their applications. Given a directed graph G = (V, E) and an integer k 1, a k-transitive-closure-spanner (k-TC-spanner) of G ...