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The interpolation method has been one of the main tools for proving lower bounds for propositional proof systems. Loosely speaking, if one can prove that a particular proof system ...
This paper is concerned with the complexity of proofs and of searching for proofs in two propositional proof systems: Resolution and Polynomial Calculus (PC). For the former syste...
Abstract. We study – within the framework of propositional proof complexity – the problem of certifying unsatisfiability of CNF formulas under the promise that any satisfiabl...
One of the starting points of propositional proof complexity is the seminal paper by Cook and Reckhow [6], where they defined propositional proof systems as poly-time computable f...
Abstract. Motivated by strong Karp-Lipton collapse results in bounded arithmetic, Cook and Kraj´ıˇcek [7] have recently introduced the notion of propositional proof systems with...