Abstract. This paper shows how Ptolemy II discrete-event (DE) models can be formally analyzed using Real-Time Maude. We formalize in Real-Time Maude the semantics of a subset of hi...
The Ptolemy project studies modeling, simulation, and design of concurrent, real-time, embedded systems. The focus is on assembly of concurrent components. The key underlying prin...
Christopher X. Brooks, Edward A. Lee, Stavros Trip...
In this paper, we describe a software architecture supporting code generation from within Ptolemy II. Ptolemy II is a componentbased design tool intended for embedded and real-tim...
This paper describes a modeling and simulation framework called VisualSense for wireless sensor networks that builds on and leverages Ptolemy II. This framework supports actor-ori...
Philip Baldwin, Sanjeev Kohli, Edward A. Lee, Xiao...
A model of computation (MoC) is a formal abstraction of execution in a computer. There is a need for composing MoCs in e-science. Kepler, which is based on Ptolemy II, is a scienti...
Antoon Goderis, Christopher Brooks, Ilkay Altintas...