
167views Hardware» more  PTS 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
Vidock: A Tool for Impact Analysis of Aspect Weaving on Test Cases
The addition of a cross-cutting concern in a program, through aspect weaving, has an impact on its existing behaviors. If test cases exist for the program, it is necessary to ident...
Romain Delamare, Freddy Munoz, Benoit Baudry, Yves...
175views Hardware» more  PTS 2010»
14 years 27 days ago
Test Data Generation for Programs with Quantified First-Order Logic Specifications
We present a novel algorithm for test data generation that is based on techniques used in formal software verification. Prominent examples of such formal techniques are symbolic ex...
Christoph Gladisch
147views Hardware» more  PTS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
FloPSy - Search-Based Floating Point Constraint Solving for Symbolic Execution
Recently there has been an upsurge of interest in both, Search– Based Software Testing (SBST), and Dynamic Symbolic Execution (DSE). Each of these two approaches has complementar...
Kiran Lakhotia, Nikolai Tillmann, Mark Harman, Jon...
132views Hardware» more  PTS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Increasing Functional Coverage by Inductive Testing: A Case Study
This paper addresses the challenge of generating test sets that achieve functional coverage, in the absence of a complete specification. The inductive testing technique works by p...
Neil Walkinshaw, Kirill Bogdanov, John Derrick, Ja...
138views Hardware» more  PTS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
Alternating Simulation and IOCO
We propose a symbolic framework called guarded labeled assignment systems or GLASs and show how GLASs can be used as a foundation for symbolic analysis of various aspects of forma...
Margus Veanes, Nikolaj Bjørner
140views Hardware» more  PTS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
More Testable Properties
In this paper, we explore the set of testable properties within the Safety-Progress classification where testability means to establish by testing that a relation, between the tes...
Yliès Falcone, Jean-Claude Fernandez, Thier...
134views Hardware» more  PTS 2010»
14 years 1 months ago
A Learning-Based Approach to Unit Testing of Numerical Software
We present an application of learning-based testing to the problem of automated test case generation (ATCG) for numerical software. Our approach uses n-dimensional polynomial model...
Karl Meinke, Fei Niu