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Abstract. Visibly pushdown transducers (VPTs) form a strict subclass of pushdown transducers (PTs) that extends finite state transducers with a stack. Like visibly pushdown automa...
Walukiewicz gave in 1996 a solution for parity games on pushdown graphs: he proved the existence of pushdown strategies and determined the winner with an EXPTIME procedure. We giv...
The pressing need for efficient compression schemes for XML documents has recently been focused on stack computation [6, 9], and in particular calls for a formulation of informati...
Pilar Albert, Elvira Mayordomo, Philippe Moser, Sy...
Recently visibly pushdown automata have been extended to so called k-phase multistack visibly pushdown automata (k-MVPAs). On the occasion of introducing kMVPAs, it has been asked...
Visibly Pushdown Automata (VPA) are a special case of pushdown machines where the stack operations are driven by the input. In this paper, we consider VPA with two stacks, namely 2...
Abstract. While visibly pushdown languages properly generalise regular languages and are properly contained in deterministic context-free languages, the complexity of their members...
We consider parity games played on special pushdown graphs, namely those generated by one-counter processes. For parity games on pushdown graphs, it is known from [22] that decidin...
Abstract. We investigate the possibility of (bi)simulation-like preorder/equivalence checking on the class of visibly pushdown automata and its natural subclasses visibly BPA (Basi...
We introduce discrete pushdown timed automata that are timed automata with integer-valued clocks augmented with a pushdown stack. A con guration of a discrete pushdown timed automa...
Zhe Dang, Oscar H. Ibarra, Tevfik Bultan, Richard ...
The class of visibly pushdown languages has been recently defined as a subclass of context-free languages with desirable closure properties and tractable decision problems. We stu...