Where can I attend an interesting database workshop close to a sunny beach? Who are the strongest experts on service computing based upon their recent publication record and accep...
The backend database system is often the performance bottleneck when running web applications. A common approach to scale the database component is query result caching, but it fa...
Charles Garrod, Amit Manjhi, Anastasia Ailamaki, B...
This paper presents a framework for automatically generating structural XML documents. The user provides a target DTD and an example of an XML document, called a Generate-XML-ByEx...
We present SGuard, a new fault-tolerance technique for distributed stream processing engines (SPEs) running in clusters of commodity servers. SGuard is less disruptive to normal s...
YongChul Kwon, Magdalena Balazinska, Albert G. Gre...
Content Management Systems (CMS) store enterprise data such as insurance claims, insurance policies, legal documents, patent applications, or archival data like in the case of dig...
In probabilistic databases, lineage is fundamental to both query processing and understanding the data. Current systems s.a. Trio or Mystiq use a complete approach in which the li...
There has been a recent surge in work in probabilistic databases, propelled in large part by the huge increase in noisy data sources -from sensor data, experimental data, data fro...
A fundamental problem in information integration is to precisely specify the relationships, called mappings, between schemas. Designing mappings is a time-consuming process. To al...