The next generation of software systems will be highly distributed, component-based and service-oriented. They will need to operate in unattended mode and possibly in hostile envi...
Abstract. QoS-aware distributed applications such as certain Multimedia and Ubiquitous Computing applications can benefit greatly from the provision of QoS guarantees from the unde...
ÐReal-time middleware services must guarantee predictable performance under specified load and failure conditions, and ensure graceful degradation when these conditions are violat...
Dynamic, distributed, real-time systems control an environment that varies widely without any time-invariant statistical or deterministic characteristic, are spread across multiple...
Charles Cavanaugh, Lonnie R. Welch, Behrooz Shiraz...
Support of end-to-end Quality-of-Service (QoS) and ate high-level programming abstractions are two crucial factors for the development of future telecommunication services and dis...